Two of the most popular computer-aided design software: Autocad Vs Solidworks. Both are good for different things and they are usually used for different purposes.
In this video, we will try to talk about a few reasons why they are important and how they are different.
It is primarily a 2D software catering to Architects, home builders, and civil engineers. It is used to convey layout information quickly, and makes ample use of layering such layers for electrical, plumbing, framing, and so on.
And if you want to learn more about this software, please check out our other articles about it.

Originally, it was a drafting tool, not a modelling tool, and to make a parametric model, you have to do a lot of extra work, which is not the case with SolidWorks.
If you’re trying to communicate complex designs or big things, that already have certain know constraints or features or building plans then Autocad is not going to disappoint you. Autocad is usually the perfect software for anything related to architectural design but it can also be used for engineering projects.
It’s also good to do quick designs and it’s very good for communicating between designers, architects, and companies.
It is a different type of computer-aided design software and doesn’t have to be necessarily compared to AutoCAD, but you can compare it with Autodesk Inventor that can make a product that is very similar to SolidWorks, and it is a parametric program for the design of solid parts and assemblies.

SolidWorks is a Parasolid-based solid modeller and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach to create models and assemblies. Parameters refer to restrictions in which values determine the shape or geometry of the model.
You build a process that creates a tree of sequential, dependant operations. You can then go in and edit items, sizes operations, etc from any point in the tree and the changes will cascade through the model.
There are some parametric things in AutoCAD now but not as good as what we can do using Solidworks. Autocad is good for 3d modelling of different types of pieces but Solidworks can help engineers work on serious assemblies with hundreds of pieces.
For more information about it, read the following article:
Difficulty & Ease of use:

SolidWorks is one of the easiest CAD programs. And it is known for being user friendly.
It has very good tutorials that can help you understand anything you need. There are lots and lots of online help available in the form of videos and written tutorials.
Just spend some time on it and you will start learning it. it might seem a bit difficult if this is your first CAD software but you will be able to work on your projects without problems in a few weeks.
AutoCAD is not as easy as Solidworks because it can be used to work on more complex tasks and 2d designs. But if you use it long enough it will become easier to use over time.
Pricing & licencing

The basic SOLIDWORKS price has not changed since it was first released in 1996.
One license of SOLIDWORKS Standard is $3,995. The Annual Subscription service for a standard license, which covers technical support, upgrades, and more for one year, is $1,295.
On the other hand, Autocad is a little bit expensive when it comes to pricing because it’s license is around $1500 a year which is almost a couple hundred dollars more expensive than the license of solid works.
But there are free versions that Autodesk provides for students also Solid works has a free version.
Finally, I hope that this comparison was helpful and that it will show you the software that will suit you the best in your next projects!